Grünstadter Tafel e.V.
New registrations will be placed on a waiting list until further notice. As soon as a place is available you will be notified by us. We ask you to take this into account.
Notices to Customers
- Who can register?
Persons residing in:
- Grünstadt
- Battenberg, Bissersheim,
- Bockenheim,Dirmstein,
- Ebertsheim, Gerolsheim,
- Großkarlbach, Kirchheim,
- Kindenheim, Kleinkarlbach
- Laumersheim, Mertesheim
- Neuleiningen, Obersülzen
- Obrigheim, Quirnheim
- Rodenbach, Altleiningen
- Carlsberg, Hertlingshausen
- Hettenleidelheim, Höningen
- Tiefenthal,Wattenheim
a) When can you register?
- Registrations are on wednesdays possible between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m
b) When are the distribution times?
- Food distribution times are:
Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m and
Fridays from 1:30 p.m
- When handing out the board ID card You will be informed which issue date you are assigned to.
As soon as you are prevented, please unsubscribe under 06359-923879.
What is important for your purchase?
You will receive a Tafel ID card with your assigned number for a specified issue day (Wednesday or Friday) Changing the day of issue is difficult and has to be applied for verbally at the Tafel Your shopping times change weekly. You can see the times on the notice board on the right-hand side of the house front If you can't come, be sure to give us a call! (the phone number is on your board ID card)
You need for your purchase:
- your board ID a large shopping bag a bag for bread/rolls an egg carton A dairy cooler bag
You pay:
- For 1 person: €1
- For 2-3 people: €2
- For 4-5 people: €3
- From 6 people: €4